The internet of things: Of sensors and sensibility

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The internet of things


Connected devices in the home are becoming more widespread

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THE expression “at the touch of a button” connotes speed and immediacy. Amazon is taking the phrase literally. This week the e-commerce firm announced a program that offers members of its Prime scheme branded, wireless-connected buttons, which they can place around their home and press when they are running low on certain household items. Doing so initiates an order to replenish whatever is needed, from detergent to bottled water, and the order is shipped to the customer’s home.
Is the habit of sitting down at a computer to shop online becoming passé? Whether or not Amazon’s “Dash” buttons appeal to mainstream consumers remains to be seen, but the initiative points to two important retail and technology trends.

First, more companies are pushing into e-commerce and trying to expand what people buy online. Google offers an e-commerce service in seven American cities, including San Francisco, …<div class="og_rss_groups"></div>
Source: Retailing
The internet of things: Of sensors and sensibility

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