Marine energy: Ruling the waves

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Britain may become a pioneer in harvesting energy from the sea

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Ruling the waves

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Marine energy

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Marine energy

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Mixing water with electricity

Mixing water with electricity

COMPARED with, say, Hawaii or Bali, Cornwall hardly counts as a surfer’s paradise. Yet the waves off England’s craggy southwestern toe—one, the Cribbar, is nicknamed “the widow-maker”—have a gnarly quality all of their own. On November 7th an Australian firm, Carnegie Wave Energy, won EU backing to launch a £60m (m) project to harness the power of those waves to generate electricity. If successful, it could help make Britain, with its NIMBYish aversion to onshore wind and solar farms, a pioneer in harvesting energy from the sea.
Wave power is not for the …
Source: Utilities
Marine energy: Ruling the waves

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